
Introducing well control software for CCUS: Enabling safe drilling where a CO2 plume may infer

03.09.24 03:07 PM By Marge Maria - Comment(s)
Introducing well control software for CCUS: Enabling safe drilling where a CO2 plume may infer
Introducing well control software for CCUS: Enabling safe drilling where a CO2 plume may infer

Project Green Light update: Lab success brings CCUS well control software closer to launch! 

31.07.24 03:07 PM By Marge Maria - Comment(s)
Project Green Light update: Lab success brings CCUS well control software closer to launch! 
Introducing well control software for CCUS: Enabling safe drilling where a CO2 plume may infer

Introducing wellPlanner for Halliburton Digital Well Program©

02.02.24 11:56 AM By Melissa - Comment(s)
Introducing wellPlanner for Halliburton Digital Well Program©

Looking to add accurate modeling to your Halliburton Drilling Well Program investment?

Look no further. We are excited to announce the release of our wellPlanner for Halliburton Digital Well Program©

Key benefits:
✋ Dynamic drilling simulations that provide accuracy beyond simpler steady-state mod...

Project Green Light to develop software allowing safe drilling into CO2 reservoirs - A fireside chat with eDrilling's Chief Technology Officer, Jie Cao

10.10.23 10:35 AM By Marge Maria - Comment(s)
Project Green Light to develop software allowing safe drilling into CO2 reservoirs - A fireside chat with eDrilling's Chief Technology Officer, Jie Cao

In a few words, what is carbon capture and storage (CCS)? 


CCS are a series of technologies that have accomplished to safely capture and store carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions from industrial activities into deep underground layers, usually where deposits of oil and natural gas are also foun...

Navigate your wells faster and easier - A "fireside" chat with eDrilling's Technical Customer Success Manager 

11.01.23 11:29 AM By Alina - Comment(s)
Navigate your wells faster and easier - A "fireside" chat with eDrilling's Technical Customer Success Manager 
Connected with our AI software, the navigation software will detect, and alert you of anomalies long before you, or any other human for that matter, notices anything wrong.